Wednesday 3 February 2016

Bronica ETRs - Bicycles - January 2016

My camera I have decided to use this month is my new Bronica ETRs medium format SLR - for those who do not know this camera, it is a poor man's Hasselblad.  Usually, I use Agfa Vista colour film for this monthly project but as that is not available in 120 size, I have had to use Fujicolor Pro 400H (ok, not HAD to to use but the range of 120 colour film is not so very large any more).

My monthly topic is Bicycles.

The Bronica produces negatives that are nominally 6 cm by 4.5 cm which is much bigger than 35 mm negatives. The improved quality that the larger negative produces is lost when the negatives are scanned for Interweb use. Obviously, I get no choice here but to scan the negatives to a resolution that works for the blog. That is 1000 pixels by 740 pixels. The down side to larger negatives is that I get less of them on a roll of film - 15 negatives in this case. Even with this few shots, I struggled to get 15 shots of bicycles. of those I got, 10 are worth sharing.

Here are the pictures:
This first photograph is a child's bike that has been chained to teh safety railing along the Witham bank in town - I have no idea why, it has been there a long time now. I use it as a regular test subject for new cameras ( and decided to use it here as well.
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High Bridge in Lincoln High Street

High Bridge in Lincoln High Street

Damaged bike outside supermarket

Bicycle with new career as a shop sign

Cyclist on the Brayford waterfront.

bikes for hire, Brayford

Damaged bike now missing front wheel

Another bike with a new career, this time on Steep Hill

Monday 9 November 2015

Olympus OM10 - Red - October 2015

After a brief pause (due to a lack of inspiration) I am back with my One camera - one month project. This month I am using my Olympus OM 10 camera with a Zuiko Auto-S 50mm lens. The film, as always, is Agfa Vista 200 ASA film which I get developed by Snappy Snaps in Lincoln.  My topic - suggested by Bestbeloved - for the month is simply Red.

This proved to be a good topic and it provided me with a variety of shots (as you will see below).

The OM10 is always a delight to use and is nice and light. My days of enjoying a kilo weight around my neck are long gone. The last photograph - the books - was taken with a no-name flash that came with one of my camera purchases. I used it on Auto and an aperture of f/3.5. I wasn't sure how well auto would work on a nameless and old flash gun but it actually worked very well.

The pictures:

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Zorki 4 - Bridges - January 2015

Life got in the way over the last few months  and I have missed a couple of months. This month the camera is my Zorki 4 from 1973 - the lens is a Jupiter 8 50 mm lens, also from 1973. As I usually do, I am using Agfa Vista+ colour negative film which has been processed and scanned for me by Snappy Snaps in Lincoln. My topic for January 2015 is bridges.

As most cities do, Lincoln has a river running through it - the Witham - and the Sincil which is a drain (canal) dating to Roman times. These both have a number of bridges over them as do the railway lines.

As well as bridges in Lincoln, I have also photographed the Humber Bridge in the north of the county of Lincolnshire. This road bridge links Lincolnshire to East Yorkshire and was at one time the longest single span bridge in the world - the distance between the towers is one mile.

University bridge over the Witham

Freight train under the Pelham Bridge road bridge, Lincoln 

Freight train under Pelham Bridge

Foot pridge over Witham at Stamp End, Lincoln

Humber Bridge from Barton

Humber Bridge from Barton

Humber Bridge from barton

Underside of Humber Bridge

Humber Bridge

Foot Bridge over Broadgate, Lincoln

Medieval High Bridge over Witham, Lincoln city centre

Rail Bridge over Spa Street  and Witham, Lincoln

Rail Bridge over Witham

Factory bridge over Sincil, Lincoln

Monday 22 September 2014

Minolta Dynax SPxi - Fungi - September

My theme for September is Fungi and the camera I have chosen to use is my my mother's Minolta Dynax SPxi which I have just inherited (so this is a test of the camera as well).  Autumn is a good time for fungi - you can find them all year round but mushrooms/toadstools are mostly visible at this time of year.

There are many more fungi apart from the mushrooms/toadstools that most people think of when they hear/see the word fungi and I have tried to include other forms here. Three pictures are of lichens - these are a composite organism consisting of a fungus and an alga living together in harmony (technically, in mutualistic symbiosis) - which are extremely interesting in their own right.  I might do a monthly topic on just lichens later in the year.

Parmelia sulcata

Cladonia species

Xanthoria parietina

Bracket fungus on a birch tree

Mushroom from the fridge

Underside of a slice of mushroom